Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Lairsey Family 2016

Some random pictures I want to have:

 Birthday Party Cutie

 Birthday Ice Cream Date with Dad

 Waiting patiently on mom at the Apple Store

 Probably asking Siri to find "Shopkin videos"

 Coleman's turn to stay late with dad on Wednesday night

 Coleman's 4th bday celebration at Chuck E Cheese

 they love their daddy!

 The day they found out Boomer was a costume!

 Valentine's Day Party


 We visited the Davis' in hopes of finding snow--had a blast!

 Her favorite park toy

 Easter Egg Hunt, here we come!

 Easter Class Picture

 Walk to School Day

 Grandma always makes us feel special!

 Trying to clean up our dirty finger prints! 

 Headed to school!

 Coleman's first golf outing - Jay, Brett, Eric, Coleman

 This girl LOVES to help in the kitchen!  

 Simply Exhausted

 Eve leaves sweet notes like this everywhere! 

Eve, Daddy, and Lexi at RRE

Ellie's Smile

Ellie lost her first tooth on Father's Day morning.  She has two more coming quickly after.  Her smile will never be the same :)

Fripp 2016

It was not the same without the Davis' this year.

BUT, we still managed to have a great vacation!  Filled with shell-hunting, dolphin cruising, body boarding, golf cart riding, and pool swimming.  We had fantastic weather, fed tons of deer, and got plenty of sunshine!

Clara and Ellie PreK Graduation

Ellie fully enjoyed the graduation ceremony.  She was excited all week that she would get to go up on stage and sing, dance, and have her name called out for her diploma!  Clara, on the other hand, well, let's just say her favorite phrase that week was "THAT'S not gonna happen!"  And THAT didn't happen.  She put on her cap and gown (VERY reluctantly), but was emphatic that she was "NOT going to graduate!"  When her class proceeded down the aisle for the ceremony, Clara walked around the back of the church to her seat.  She stood up on stage with her hands over her face crying.  We let her come sit with us for the performance AND the graduation.  It just wasn't worth it.  The sweet girl just does not like all that attention.